Dear Mom Who Actually Enjoys Her Children

I see post after post lately comforting women that they are not alone in their depressing state of mind about raising children. As a mom who, yes, does struggle from all of the same things mentioned in these articles (I mean I have 2 boys fourteen months apart so of course it can get hard), I don’t find that any of these posts encourage me, but rather depress me that so many people are so frustrated in their life of raising children. I know there are some moms who truly do enjoy their children and so I write this for them and for all others who want to be encouraged to see the beauty in the little things.

Dear Mom Who Actually Enjoys Her Children,

Thank you for sharing your true beauty of joy with the rest of the world. Children are meant to be a blessing even on our toughest days. You display joy.

Thank you for remaining calm in the grocery store even when your baby is screaming at the top of his or her lungs. You display patience.

Thank you for telling your children you love them.. especially in front of a crowd. You display love.

Thank you for dancing with your toddler who went in the potty after 10 accidents that day. You display encouragement.

Thank you for getting up in the middle of the night to feed your baby while being grateful you have a baby to get up to. You display selflessness.

Thank you for saying you’re grateful to have your children (The last thing women who can’t have children need to hear is a complaint about the gift they wish they had). You display sincerity.

Thank you for getting your children out of the house to explore the world with them. You display a healthy love of learning.

Thank you for noticing and joining in the excitement of your 2 year old witnessing the fire truck driving down the street. You display childlike fun.

Thank you for expressing an attitude of gratitude when you find out about the surprise baby you are pregnant with when you already have your hands full. You display gratefulness. 

Thank you for swaddling your daughter’s “baby” for the twenty-sixth time today. You display patience.

Thank you for getting up to serve breakfast to your kids while you have the flu. You display sacrificial love.

In everything you do in your day, I thank you for having a joyful attitude. 

In everything we all do, let’s choose love and not complaining.

On my path to motherhood, there were a lot of hurdles I had to overcome (I will share this story in the near future) though not nearly as much as other women. Moms, let’s keep this in perspective when the temptation to complain overcomes us.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” ~James 1:2-3



Happy Friday!